A sorcerer has taken up residence in a camp in the Exiled Lands or Isle of Siptah, and is wreaking havoc with the local environment and population.
How the Event works:
A Demonologist, Necromancer, Illusionist, or Druid type Boss appears at one of several locations in the Exiled Lands or Isle of Siptah.
In the area around the Boss, the event will also spawn minions, NPCs or mobs. The type of minion/mob will depend on the Boss and location as they are defined, some examples of location, theme, and spawns are:
Demonologists will spawn the Demon minions, and will appear in hot/ fire areas
Necromancers will spawn the undead as minions and will most likely be found in cold areas
Illusionists will be in dark areas, spawn darkness effect, and will use creatures such as spiders and/or Illusory minions
A Druid will be found in areas like jungles and lush groves and forests, and will use the demonic version of creatures
Humans - as Boss worshippers, Boss victims, or as friendly NPCs fighting the Boss with you or hiding from him
Once you defeat the Boss, you will be able to harvest it’s corpse for the reward.